Far away
This ship is taking me far awayFar away from the memories
Of the people who care if I live or die
StarlightI will be chasing the starlight
Until the end of my life
I don't know if it's worth it anymore
Hold you in my arms
I just wanted to hold
You in my arms
This ship is taking me far awayFar away from the memories
Of the people who care if I live or die
StarlightI will be chasing the starlight
Until the end of my life
I don't know if it's worth it anymore
Hold you in my arms
I just wanted to hold
You in my arms
My life
You electrify my lifeLet's conspire to IGNITE
All the souls that would die just to feel alive ....
You electrify my lifeLet's conspire to IGNITE
All the souls that would die just to feel alive ....
No me sorprendés,para nada. No te causa un poco de tristeza saber que yo espero que me decepciones? Creo que ni siquiera te das cuenta,y eso sigue sin sorprenderme :)
No,no quiero que seamos vos y yo forever and ever (o 10 años). Quiero un novio.Alguien que quiera serlo.
Amistad? No,gracias.
Ya vamos casi 7 meses de idas y venidas,somos "esa" pareja (Pareja?) al estilo Ross y Rachel: Fuimos y volvimos 20 veces, y aunque salgamos con otras personas,siempre volvemos a nosotros.
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